DevOps and Agile

Agile Development

Acolade Global Agile allows for business value focused rapid application delivery

With an objective to achieve a model which derives benefits of the distributed development environment for traditional co-located agile, Acolade Global Agile allows for business value focused rapid application delivery; striving to achieve a perfect balance of cost, effort, risk and time to market.

Acolade’s Global Agile model helps you address growing business demands, end to end IT agility, and value delivery through IT applications. Moving away from the traditional, Acolade Global Agile offering enables execution of agile projects from distributed locations and deliver high-quality applications, cost effectively.


Acolade DevOps emphasizes going beyond the performance in a silo to a holistic view of the entire system

Agile development has now become mainstream and a preferred application development methodology adopted by customers to achieve faster speed to value. But, it’s critical to ensure that the rapid development is coupled with rapid and frequent deployments to achieve early business value realization without compromising the quality and stability of the systems.

In the traditional scenario, development team intends to develop changes faster, while operations want stability and are resistant to frequent changes. DevOps emphasizes going beyond the performance in a silo to a holistic view of the entire system. With its focus on the entire value stream, DevOps enables complete IT agility to deliver business value faster to the customer. DevOps enables

  • System thinking to focus on the entire value stream
  • Amplified and quick feedback to fix inefficiencies upstream
  • Continuous and incremental improvement